Sunday, June 27, 2010

6/26/2010 Salado Creek

Today I wanted to give the creek a shot, it turned out to be one of the best days of bass fishing I've had on the creek in years. The first fish to bite were a few nice little perch, both greenies and yellow bellies, then I lost a nice little bass that jumped about a foot out of the water and promptly shook the hook out of it's mouth.

Wading downstream and using a topwater lure, I hooked what a thought was a bass from the pull but it turned out to be a nice Rio Grande perch. Shortly thereafter I caught a small Rio and then lost a few more bass. The bass were doing a pretty good job of shaking the hook out with a leap in the air this morning, I only got 2 bass to hand but hooked 7. This day I was using a small, cheap, Eagle Claw telescopic casting rod with a cheap Shakespear reel on it loaded with 6lb test line- this setup is great on the creek and that Rio and larger bass were a real joy to fight on that little rod.

6/20/2010 Father's Day

I knew this Father's day I was going to take my dad fishing in Boerne on Cibolo creek and I wanted my stepson to come along. Normally the boy is doing the teenager thing, staying up late, playing games with friends, or spending the night with friends so we don't get to go fishing much. this morning he got up and we picked up my dad to head to the creek. My son hadn't been here before and he was impressed with the beauty of the place.

It wasn't long before I was on a few fish to my son's frustration, to add to it when I was showing him where to cast and watching him I noticed a few crawfish in the water. Putting my rod tip in front of a crayfish, it grabbed onto my lure and wouldn't let go, I was able to grab it and show my son. "Your even catching crawfish, man!" he exclaimed, "I'm going to try that". So he did catch a few crawfish and was going to walk down the creek where we fished earlier giving up on fishing. I told him he would never catch fish if he gave up and that he should cast down the the pool we were fishing earlier.

Well the boy listened and on his first cast caught a very nice foot long Guadalupe bass, he got it up and out of the water before it shook the hook loose. This raised his spirits and he began fishing more, catching a very large perch not long after and another perch before the day was done. It's funny, but him catching fish and seeing him enjoy himself there was the best Father's Day gift I've had in awhile.

My dad had a good day as well, catching a few bass and many perch. I got dad a Crossman 1377 pistol as he had been wanting one for awhile, it is a good little airgun and looks like many neat modifications can be done to it down the road if wanted.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This morning I headed to Cibolo with my dad to do a little fly fishing and brought along my old Martin rod and Ocean City 76 reel. This rod is sentimental as it was the 2nd fly rod I ever got and paid for it myself from a bargain bin in a flea market. It's a good rod and rated for #6 line but it needs to be redone at some point in the future.

Fishing wasn't as good as last weekend but I did catch several perch and some of them were nice and chunky, most bit on a hopper pattern and some were caught on a bead-head bugger. The creek is about a foot and a half higher than it was last year and the swamp springs near the creek are now flowing which is nice.

Friday, June 11, 2010


With the wet weather, I haven't done near the amount of fishing I had done last year. Last weekend I went to Salado along John James park with the intention of walking to the back of the part and fish my way upstream. Well even with Deep Woods Off on the bugs were giving me grief on the trail so instead I just fished under the bridge of Ritamin Rd. and a little bit downstream. I was rewarded with several perch and a nice chunky 10-11" spotted bass for the effort.

The next day I hit Cibolo Creek in Boerne and had a great day, in all I caught 4 Guadalupe bass with the biggest one being a fat 13" or so and I also caught a little spotted bass along with many perch. On both of these days I was trying out my portable fishing kit which is made of a cheap Eagle Claw telescoping casting rod and a cheap Shakespear Durango reel with some 6lb line on it. The combo worked well and I caught most fish on a small minnow imitation swimming it in an erratic pattern. This gave me inspiration today to try and tie 2 flies in a minnow pattern to hopefully try out this Sunday- hopefully I'll give an update with pictures.

With the rains lately I've gotten more into recreational shooting with a friend or 2, I even participated in a IDPA pistol shooting competition which was a good time. Hopefully I'll get more fishing and updates put in this summer.