Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/20/09 Flyfishing the Creek

Today I got a late start but wanted to go for a walk along the creek and get in a little fly-fishing while I was at it. The mosquitoes were out in full force again and even after a healthy coating of Skintastic these guys kept coming. This time I was more prepared and put on some Deep Woods Off lotion I had in my smaller pack to keep them at bay. Fishing wasn't all that great with my late start but I did catch a few greenies and a few red-bellied perch on a hopper pattern.

It was great to see the creek up at a nice volume of water, I was beginning to get afraid that the fish would die off with the drought. My mind was set at ease when I saw a pair of 4-5lb bass together in the shallows, it isn't a great picture but you can see them circled in the picture above. A nice channel catfish around 5lbs was also seen along with a few of his smaller siblings, it was a great morning walk and I'm glad I got out.

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