Monday, July 19, 2010

7/18/2010 Cibolo Creek

I took my dad down to Cibolo again this weekend, it is one of my dad's favorite places to fish- I have to say I agree with him. Today I took my South Fork #5 fly rod and FlyLogic reel to throw some hoppers and other flies in attempt to catch some bass and perch. The perch were willing but I had no luck with bass this day.

My best luck came with the hopper and foam spider patterns, I did catch one perch on a Cypert style minnow. The creek was not as high as in the past 2 times I went fishing which was a good thing. I really like that South Fork rod, even hand size perch put a nice bend in the rod and it just feels good to cast.

It was refreshing wading in the creek especially in a few holes that came up to my chest. Although my line managed to find plenty of roots and trees to snag in it was a good day. I even snagged into someone's line that they had caught up in a tree and was able to pull mine and their lure free. I had to wonder what that person thought they were going to catch in this creek using a 4/0 hook in a big minnow with braided line, well at least I can rest knowing they probably didn't catch anything and hopefully would not be returning.

Finding beer cans and worm tins is a bit of a downer there, it seems most slobs would not make the effort of walking half a mile to go fishing like that but they did and I picked up after them. Just doesn't seem right walking through such a nice place and finding that crap laying around, it reminds my to try and pack a grocery bag next time to pick that sort of thing up.

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